We see the show and it seems to be what we know.
For almost a third century we as an artist family we are reviving the scenes on historical markets. Here on the net, we give our customers the opportunity to deepen their experience, make up for postponed purchases and prepare for their next encounter with us.
.... what some misunderstand as an invitation to bargain is encouragement to comprehend! Every insight needs physical effort. We invent our craftsmanship with sensitivity and intuition and aim it at the consciousness, because we all have to spoon up the soup is being brewed in our collective mind!
We like to use the possibilities of our time: such as laser technology refined for "light carving", enables us to produce innovative and traditional applied art, from single pieces to serial production, also as order. Our art has many faces and we look forward to good, creative cooperation.
In the hustle and bustle of the markets, much of what we offer is overlooked. As filigree as the gothic window rosettes are our subtle word games, engraved in native woods. And like in the old days, only a few born illiterate people find their way through, select a point of wisdom around which everything revolves. But now you have luckily found the click that gives you at least a glimpse of the finely polished elegance, which is just waiting to be touched by your fingertips - only then can our tree-dream connection work healing!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
Warnung: Diese Seite der Wirklichkeit enthält WortOMagie. Ungeduldige Leseversuche unserer ungewöhnlichen Textdarstellungen können bei
geistig gefestigten und/oder weltanschaulich gebundenen Personen Schubladenverklemmungen und/oder historische Abfälle auslösen.
Warning: This site of reality contains word magic. Impatient reading of our unusual texts could make you unintended patient!
Ideologically bound persons might feel their shackles crackle.
PAN OM "Weisheit für Alle" (GesamtKunstwerk)
HolzKunst Good Mood Wood (kreative Holzgestaltung)
Feingefühl & Lebensfreude (Marktanimation)
Idee in Form DenkMühle (Produktentwicklung, Kommunikation)
Wolfgang Krause alias Lupiter Crispus
Kleinsorheim Mühlfeld 4.2 86753 Möttingen im Ries
E-Mail: kontakt@pan-om.de
IBAN DE 67 7225 1520 0000 6239 75 BIC BYLADEM1NLG