P.A.N. O.M.

Planet Art Network

One Mankind


by Volution:


your problem



You think

we made a step

forward in time

- straight on

towards a goal -

the good old moon

led us on our noses!

We count

another round
around the sun.

Let's give her
Sence to our sins
as now a new
tour begins:







You may


we all

will die -

but who

is "YOU"?

And why

do "THEY"

still kill?


love and peace

always release

from hate & fear!

We all are one:

a cosmic pun!

...the passed year
was full of

passed chances!

Still poets

write their poems

about problems...

was ment
the end
of war!

All you
Look for
all we lost!
In space
an earth
is found.
Now here
is peace,
the world
goes round!

I whish us all
Dance through
Illusions wall
Enhance true
Visit our Mill
Stay with us
do your will!

Pan Om


Two thousend
Twenty three
Towards the end
Event is free

Yes, we drove the cars too far,
changed the world to money-war,
few owners – many helpless poor
forced to join a sightseeingtour:
still there is on earth a rest of life,
wriggles, twitches, writhes to thrive
- small hope for silly big illusions
- great chances for smart solutions!


Lupiter Crispus of Pan Om  01.01.2023


Nocebos as well as placebos work
more powerful than some "substances".
doctors are responsible for convincing patients
of the value of the remedies used.
But "species-appropriate mindset"
in the consciousness of our striving
for conformity of
thoughts and feelings
everyone can "take" himself
- by quiet reflection:
"What do I want to leave?"
"What do I want to live?"
We work contemplatively
on contemporaneous themes: 

"Evolution is a live game!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

17,21 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

"You won your sex!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

17,21 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

"Flow to grow!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

17,21 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

"Leave nukes - live solar!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

17,22 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

"Leave infection - live perfection!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

17,22 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

"Leave noise - live music!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

17,22 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

"Leave sorrow - live wisdom!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

17,22 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

"Leave poor - live rich!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

17,22 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

"Our past is our gain!" - Magic Square

One fades away - some others stay

48x60mm  Amulett,

hanged on leatherstring

(Standard black, natur on demand)

engraved natural wood,

polished with bee´s wax.

You may wish to have a hand engraving on the reverse side (similar to the example image shown)

17,22 €

  • 0,12 kg
  • verfügbar
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

Numbers mean more than bills! 


Two houses - went it true?

2022 2022 2022

Never was doubt

so doubtful

as on the edge

of despair.


2021 still had 

next to the two twos

the zero and the one

in its program:

Digital Hope 2.2 

- meantime, all

units are doubted.

And that is good! 


The empty world circle,

- the central zero -

has opened up to us:

global threats like

climate change and epidemics

show us how fragile

and improbable

life in the cosmos is.


"Unity of the individual"

facing  diversity of vibrations

 is illusionary wishful thinking

- Singularity remains unimaginable!


As long as the world moves

dubious games

drive history forward:

Everything goes (well) and

Nothing remains (evil)!


Wherever it's stuck

played together

may soon be solved!


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


First think "Thank"

do then what you can

take what you make

live what you give

breathe our air

drink our water

eat our power

walk on our ground

we are one mind

Well, tell us your problem as if it is solved ("Think Thank"). This will connect you with our "artistic intelligence" (AI).  Resonance is sure: You´ll receive feedback in mind, mail and mood immediately. Just trust in the reasons of seasons!

Whoever wants to find, share, test, transform or get rid of IDEAS,

can soon let the mill roll here with up to 12 other heads.

We offer from summer 2021 CoWork/Living-Space for digital nomads, freelancers and creatives.

Here it goes round: Wisdom colored on a continuous line: >>> Work first, then the game? You can do a good job mixing them! <<<>>> I am who I am! With unconditional basic trust I also experience with you a nice crazy part of me <<<>>> You look for yourself - lonely, even in the crowd - like a lost word - take it up: a seed may be gone, a universe is all one! <<<>>> Who can be lonely and alone can also be one with everyone. <<<>>> Let go of your mistakes first, then save the solution! <<<>>> Always normal: no wise is normal! <<<>>> If you laugh at serious love, you're serious about life. <<<>>> Choose love for your profession, and work with your own conception. <<<>>> Artists are magicians who really don't need to hide their tricks. <<<>>> I think - therefore I link!<<<>>> Everyone only wants the one thing - but it doesn't work alone! Inspiration is the inverse sexual act - with equal probability of conception. <<<>>> No spring-board for the mind is a full bookshelf in the head. <<<>>> If God made the world with hammer and chisel, he also maddened us humans so that we can feel his work but not understand it. <<<>>> Only money and profit in mind, thoughts remain restrained and benevolence in violence! <<<>>> Recognized, named and banned. That's how sickness is canned. <<<>>> Fluky luck you pay with lack of fortune as torture! Happiness will not happen unless you are! <<<>>> The apple of self-knowledge is enough for me to plant a tree in my paradise. <<<>>>If you know, you must go! Otherwise stay in paradise! <<<>>> I'm the only one who can't run away when I ask for something impossible.<<<>>> What seems generally certain, could be a vilely curtain. <<<>>> Calculate everything into pieces, come too late for entirely peace. <<<>>> Call for revaluation: Fed up with anal-logic shit-production, let ´s dig it all as brain compost for vital action! <<<>>> Now we get used by older times to fullfill and finish all their rhymes. <<<

Wood connects heaven and earth, bends to creative will, gives room for dreams and makes ideas comprehensible.

Old acquaintances

For almost a third century we as an artist family - are reviving the scenes on historical markets. Here on the net, we give our customers the opportunity to deepen their experience, make up for postponed purchases and prepare for their next encounter with us. 

Time for action

.... what some misunderstand as an invitation to bargain is encouragement to comprehend! Every insight needs physical effort. We invent our craftsmanship with sensitivity and intuition and aim it at the consciousness, because we all have to spoon up the soup is being brewed in our collective mind!

New contacts

We like to use the possibilities of our time: such as laser technology refined for "light carving",  enables us to produce innovative and traditional applied art, from single pieces to serial production, also as order. Our art has many faces and we look forward to good, creative cooperation.

Twenty-twenty = dancing plantly

with roots in the ground

we sprout and win round



In the hustle and bustle of the markets, much of what we offer is overlooked. As filigree as the gothic window rosettes are our subtle word games, engraved in native woods. And like in the old days, only a few born illiterate people find their way through, select a point of wisdom around which everything revolves. But now you have luckily found the click that gives you at least a glimpse of the finely polished elegance, which is just waiting to be touched by your fingertips - only then can our tree-dream connection work healing!


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator